So far January 2013 has taught me some new things.  First off, let me say it’s a miracle that I’ve written twice in a month.  Hell must be freezing over at this point.  Now back to those things

1. Remembering to take pictures of what you eat is a lot more difficult that it actually sounds.  I can’t even remember how many times I ate something and then immediately thought “Damnit, why didn’t I snap a picture of that.” Case in point, I was determine to participate in “What I Ate Wednesday” this week but this was the only picture I remembered to take.  Must work on this.


Happy toast.

2. Trying to figure out what the majority of the buttons of the WordPress dashboard actually mean is extremely challenging.  Trying to figure out how to obtain buttons located on other blogs is equally as challenging.  I thought the hardest thing I had ever done was went to nursing school but then I tried to become more technology literate, fail.

3. This guy will always make me happy even when I don’t think it’s possible.  I find the ability to make someone else laugh such a desirable quality in a human being.  Laughter is so infectious, dare I say poisonous but in a good way.


Blurry but it’s the best I got

4. Remember that point I just made about laughter.  Well I can always use a bit more of it in my life and this girl does a great job of putting a smile on my face.



Box car anyone?

5.  I will be spending my life at this place during school this semester.  Hopefully I can make some big life decisions before the G-word gets here.


L & D

6. Today it kind of hit me that there are a million different things I can be doing with my life this time next year.  I don’t know where I will be, who I will be working for, or if I will be working.  Will I still talk to my current friends? Maybe I’ll be in graduate school and maybe I won’t.  I’m just trying to keep in the back of my mind that there is so much opportunity out there.  I know what I want.  I know who I want and I just need to go and find it.

Xoxo. Megan

Back again. This is kind of like a surprise that you didn’t know you wanted but is everything you needed. Makes sense, no? Good. Let’s just say there are plans for 2013….

Now, holiday recap 🙂 The beginning..Thanksgiving!


Mmmm turkey


Mmmm Pie


Mmmm Potatoes


Mmmm Wine



All together


And again

And then of course there was Christmas part I





And part II


Joey helping wrap gifts


Sidney helping wrap gifts


Present mountain


The Aftermath


Short. Sweet. Nondescriptive. And perfect 🙂

Xoxo. Megan

Long time no blog. I could make excuses but I really don’t have any. How about a weekend recap? This past weekend I up and went to Erie this weekend for some quality time with Anthony.



This guy makes my heart so happy and fills me with so much joy.

No pics from Friday night.  We were out dancing and I never even thought to snap a pic. To much fun.

Lots of lazy down time this weekend on the couch watching football. It’s those little moments that mean so much. Some how I got roped into cooking dinner in exchange for a froyo trip 🙂 I went with my standard chicken mushrooms


So good!

It was all worth it for some of this 😀


Pumpkin and Eggnog with rainbow sprinkles, kitkat, twix, and passion fruit bobas

A trip to the casino followed and if I learned anything its that I will never be a gambler 😉

Sunday was full of more laziness and football and cuddles and goodbyes.  Its always hard to say goodbye to someone. I try my hardest to hold on to the memories made and loom forward to the next time.


This morning I’m completing surveys for the campus. Boring stuff but the extra
money is nice.

I wonder how many times I’ll start over until I finally get it? Remains to be seen:)

Well here we are, October 1st and I have successfully published one blog post. Failing epically on that New Years resolution ::sigh::

But today is a new day and a new month; a perfect opportunity to set new goals and get back on track.

October Goals:

1. Blog more. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times – I need to blog more. Its interesting to me that something that I love to do so much I have such a hard time doing. Attempting ten posts this month.

2. Exercise more. Since coming back to school in August I have struggled a lot with this goal. Having class, clinical, and work makes my schedule completely crazy. Am I making excuses, probably.

3. Be bold. Again struggling on this front. I find it very interesting (a lot of interesting stuff today) that if you ask someone to describe me they will give you a completely different description than I would give. I find myself to be much more quiet and reserved than other people day; I struggle with putting myself out there and I’m trying to make strides in that department.

4. Keep my room clean. I am so so awful at keeping my room clean. I either do not care if it’s messy or I get to caught up in other things i.e. studying. My room is currently clean and smells like fall pumpkin deliciousness and I’m gonna try to keep it that way.

So hopefully I will be doing a recap of October goals in November eh?

The Finale of The Voice is this evening. You could say I’m a little excited about it. I’m rooting for Juliet Simms. I’ve been a big fan of hers for about five or six years now.

Juliet “JuJu” Simms

Her voice is absolutely incredible. It’s truly amazing to watch someone getting everything that they deserve. Juliet has worked incredibly hard through-out her short career and I’m excited for the new things to come for her


Blog More

I want to try to make this little blog come alive.  I love reading blogs so much and I’d love to have my own with thousands of readers.

Be a Better Girlfriend

Not that I have been a bad girlfriend in 2011, but I want to work on more of the little things. Always room for improvement, right?

Be more independent

I have very few pictures of me by myself.  Letting people make decisions for me is just easier, but it’s about time I start living my life and doing things for myself. I’ll always find joy in doing things for other people but this girl needs to give herself some lovin’.

We’ll leave it at that for now, some days I feel like I could go on and on about things I want to do or change but I’ll focus on these for now.  Who said you needed a new year to make a resolution anyway?

I hope everyone had a good weekend!  I know mine was jam packed with good stuff. Hello cake batter blondies and snickerdoodle pancakes.

Some family  came in to visit this weekend, meaning the most adorable baby in the world paid a visit with his very gorgeous mommy.

Just look at that face!

This is my oh-so-handsome baby cousin.  He is a little over 8 months old and I absolutely love him to pieces 😀  ..End baby gushing

Now, I know nothing could ever be more exciting than that precious baby boy but in other news, the sister went to prom this weekend.  Unlike myself, my sister is blessed with arguably the worlds best metabolism so naturally she looked absolutely killer in her dress.

Lookin' sexy

This is my lovely baby sister and her date for the evening (boyfriend in real life ;])

Watching my baby sister go to prom makes me miss all the fun end of high school events that go on.  Personally, I absolutely adored my senior prom.  I had the fabulous dress and the fabulous date.  It was most definitely one of the best nights of my life on record.

One notable recipe from the weekend. I made Gracie’s Cake Batter Blondies this weekend for the fam.  I haven’t yet figured out how to establish the link out to her page but once that happens, the proper credit will be given to her blog, I swear.  I’ll post the recipe later this week, but let me just say they were absolutely delicious.  The boyfriend approved, so that’s how you know I’m not lying.

Currently, I’m writing this blog post from the living room couch whilst my mother and sister geek out over the season finale of Desperate Housewives.  To say they have an obsession would be an understatement.  Have a good night everyone!


My first ever blog post 😀  I’ve wanted to start one of these for a long time so I guess we will see how it goes.  I’m a nursing student at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown and I’m waiting for school to calm down before I really get into blogging so for now, I think I’m going to use this as a journal.  I take my inspiration from Tina of Carrots N Cake and Kath of KathEatsRealFood, I love their blogs!  I just find food blogs so interesting and I have high hopes for this one. Although I have a huge love for food and food blogs, I want this to be about my real life and what interests me. Bits and pieces of everything about my life that make it real. So sit back, relax, and get ready for Megan, in real life.

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